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Posted on by Beuflix .com
Summer is the best time for vacations and outings but if you spend longer time in heat, it causes sweating, tanning and irritation. In order to beat the heat BEUFLIX provide their readers the ultimate Guide of super handy and efficient skincare regime because buying expensive cream and skin supplements is not enough.
1.Cleansing is Must
In summer, heat produces excessive oil from the skin which causes sweating. To avoid such skin issue, you should foam-wash your face twice a day. This removes any dirt and dead skin, thereby living your skin clean and refresh.
2. Rejuvenate with Toner
Due to heat, skin tends to produce a lot of oil that get accumulated in these pores which will also cause acne. A toner is used to close these pores in your skin. You can pick refreshing toners in a wide variety at
3. Vitamin C Face Serum
Adding a serum to your skincare routine has its own benefits. You can conveniently browse the complete range of Vitamin C Face Serum at beuflix. Production of collagen, reduces discoloration and speeds up healing. It also helps to protect the skin against future damage.
4. Moisturizer
Moisturizers is like adding life back to your face, unless you have dry skin don’t go too oily. You guys can access a vast range of light moisturizers at beuflix. It fights blemishes and help your skin to stay young.
5. Protect with SPF
It is crucial to add sunscreen in your skincare routine as the sun can damage and age your skin. Moreover, it protects the skin from the red patches and helps to keep your complexion even. Get hold of finest sunscreen at beuflix and protect your skin.